Why am I running for Assembly?
I am running because we seem to have lost our moral compass, breaking each other down instead of building each other up.
I am seeking the opportunity to be your advocate in the New York State Assembly for the 114th District because I’m deeply concerned about the future prospects of my neighbors, their families, and the prospect of a prosperous future close to home for their children.

I am concerned about the challenges on house-hold budgets due from the cost of simply living in New York. I am concerned about the job prospects for our youth in the 21st Century where we lack universal access to 20th century broadband and cell data.
I worry about our senior citizens and their ability to retire here and have access to modern healthcare and emergency services.
I am running because we seem to have lost our moral compass, breaking each other down instead of building each other up.
The band-aids and pass-the-buck quick solutions of the past of the past no longer work and the bill has come due with no way to pay except for taxing us more.
I want to bring back common sense and sound financial practices to governing. I’m running to uphold and support the values and traditions that have made this country the envy of the world. I’m running because I have made a difference in my town and I know I can make a difference for the people of the 114 District.
My Priorities
Modernize Cellular and Broadband Infrastructure to ensure that ALL residents have 21st Century technology for a 21st century world.
Repealing Bail Reform and Protecting Funding for our Police and First Responders. It is unacceptable to live in a world where the potential for actual criminals to walk free out of our jails and back into our communities. It is beyond belief to have this occur while also seeing our Law Enforcement faced with a defunding of their budgets!
Seek passage of bill to create Division of Regulatory Review and Economic Growth so we can adequately and thoughtfully review and make recommendations for the removal or modification of regulations that make it burdensome to conduct and growth business in New York State.
Require NYS Agencies and Departments with regulatory compliance and enforcement powers to include a Small Business Liaison to advise on the impacts of regulatory measure on small business and advise those businesses impacted with clear direction on how to be in compliance.
Restore faith in our government by supporting passage of the most comprehensive anti-corruption measure in New York; the Public Officers Accountability Act.
Control state spending so we can avoid pre-covid budget deficits in the BILLIONS of dollars. The ballooning spending in Albany and their inevitable budget deficits leads to an increase in taxing of the residents and businesses in New York. This is why New York is continually leading the seeing its residents LEAVE the state, further reducing Albany’s tax base and placing the burden on those who stay. This is, quite frankly, unsustainable and a race to the bottom.